- M.Phil. Sociology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
- M.Sc. Sociology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
1. Factors affecting malnutrition of landless rural households in District Faisalabad, Pakistan. Hassan Ali*1, Farkhanda Anjum1, Naima Nawaz1 , Hina Tariq2. Department of Rural Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Agriculture, 1 Faisalabad, Pakistan. Article published on March 30, 2018. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online) Vol. 12, No. 3, p. 399-405, 2018
2. Ali, Hassan, Ashfaq Ahmad Maann, and Muhammad Hasnain. 2017. “People’s Perception about Hurdles in Female’s Education in District Faisalabad”. International Journal for Social Studies 3 (5), 28-32.
3. Ghaffar Ali, Muhammad Khalid Bashir, Hassan Ali, Muhammad Hamid Bashir, Utilization of rice husk and poultry wastes for renewable energy potential in Pakistan: An economic perspective, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 61, 2016, Pages 25-29, ISSN 1364-0321,
4. Ali, Hassan, Ashfaq Ahmad Maann, and Muhammad Hasnain. 2017. “People’s Perception about Hurdles in Female’s Education in District Faisalabad”. International Journal for Social Studies 3 (5), 28-32.
5. People‘s Perception about Poor Quality of Drinking Water and Its Impact on Human Health in Rural Areas of Tehsil Samundri Pakistan. author={Hassan Ali and Sohail Akhtar}, year={2015}, url=
6. Shabana, Ghaffar Ali, Muhammad Khalid Bashir, Hassan Ali, Housing valuation of different towns using the hedonic model: A case of Faisalabad city, Pakistan, Habitat International, Volume 50,2015, Pages 240-249, ISSN 0197-3975,
Collaborations at National and International Level
1. Participated as organizer in a training titled “Establishing Linkages with Microfinance Institutions” in collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy, the United Nations Women, LUMS University, the Lahore University of Management Sciences and Kaarvan Crafts Foundation held on November 08, 2024.
2. Conducted a training as Social Scientist on Business and Entrepreneurship (Development of soft skills) in collaboration with Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, The University of Queensland, The University of Sargodha, The University of Agriculture Faisalabad and Queensland Government on August 12, 2024 in citrus area of District Sargodha.
3. Organized a four days event of Rural ARTISANS Exhibition in Lyallpur Galleria Faisalabad funded by British Asian Trust from June 06, 2024 to June 09, 2024.
4. Training on “Project Proposal Writing” from 21 to 25 October, 2019 at National Centre for Rural Development, Islamabad Pakistan.
5. Completed a campaign regarding Climate Change and Waste Management in different Govt. institutes of District Faisalabad with the collaboration of Commissioner Faisalabad, Social Welfare department, Kaarvan Crafts Foundation Lahore and British Asian Trust from March 01, 2024 to June 31, 2024.
6. Participated in International Workshop on Biochar in Pakistan: Climate-Friendly Agriculture held at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in March 2014.
7. Manage the 2nd Lyallpur Literature & Art Festival held at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in March, 2014
8. Participated as member of management in Youth Energizer Gala with Transparent NGOs Network Pakistan held at Arts Council Faisalabad in April, 2014
9. Participated in ICCD Conference on Linkages, Value Chains and Development along with the Rural-Urban interface held at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in January, 2014
10.Completed online session by UNESCO Bangkok e-learning series on information and Communication Technology in Education organized by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in September, 2010
Detail of Funded Projects
1. Completed a funded project with Asia Engineering Consultant Co., titled “JICA project for skills development and market diversification of garment industry in Pakistan” as Consultant from February 19, 2018 to April 30, 2018.
2. Completed a funded project with College of Management, Shenzhen University, P.R. China, titled “socio-economic and socio-environmental of assessment of China-Pakistan Corridor” as Project Officer from October 01, 2019 to September 30, 2019.