Munaza Akhter

Assistant Professor
  • Department of Sciences & Humanities
  • (041) 111-128-128
  • Ext: 275


Ms Munaza Akhter is thriving as a language teacher for the past ten years. She has served one year at the University of Texas, Austin, as Full Bright Language Teaching Assistant. During her period at UT Austin, along with teaching, she acquired courses in American English, Writing for Entrepreneurs, Fiction Writing, and Sociology of Gender the development of her teaching skills. As a faculty member at International Islamic University Islamabad, she won the Best Teacher Award twice.
Ms. Akhter is a budding researcher and has presented her research work at various national and international conferences both in the field of literature and Language Teaching. Some of the worth mentioning conferences where she presented her papers are the following:

• Yale Modern South Asia Workshop 2022
• E- teacher Alumni Conference by US Embassy 2020, Karachi.
• E- teacher Alumni Conference by US Embassy 2018, Islamabad.
• Fulbright Language teaching Conference Washington DC 2016.
• NELTA 2015 in Katmandu.
• LUMS Social Sciences Conference 2015.

She is highly committed to furthering her research in the areas of language teaching in the age of social media and technology, Language Teaching during the Pandemic, and the human cognitive system. In literature, she is vehemently passionate about feminism & subaltern studies in the light of postcolonial and neocolonial literature.

Ms. Akhter regularly takes part in intensive skill development e- teaching courses to enhance her pedagogical efficiency to effectively deliver content in her lectures and to nurture critical thinking skills among her students. Some of the prominent certificated courses she has completed are the following:

• TESOL Certificate: Advanced Practitioner from TESOL International Association, 2019.
• Creating Engaging Environments for English Language Learners course, June 2016, University of Oregon, USA.
• TOELF, Teaching of English certificate with a score of 109/120.
• Critical Thinking eLearning course, University of Oregon, 2015.



  •  M.Phil(English), International Islamic University, Pakistan
  •  M.A(English), International Islamic University, Pakistan
  •  B.A(English), Punjab University, Pakistan


1. Munaza Akhter. (2025). Working Women and Their Symbolic Denigration in Pakistani Media across Two Eras: A Feminist Analysis of Dhoop Kinare and Zindagi Gulzar Hai. Research. Retrieved from  [W category journal]

2. Ms. MUNAZA AKHTER. (2024). Sexual Politics and Symbolic Annihilation of Working Women in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane: A Textual Analysis. Al-Qanṭara. Retrieved from [W category journal]

Conference Paper

1. Challenges to Feminist Activism in Pakistan, research paper presentation at Yale Modern South Asia Workshop 2022, organized by Yale University USA in Kathmandu, Nepal.

2. Blogging for Project based Learning in a Business Communication Class, research paper presentation at English Language Expo at Greenwich University, organized by RELO U.S. Embassy,2020, in Karachi.

3. Modifying Language Teaching According to the Millennial Lifestyle and Interest, research paper presentation at E-Teacher Alumni Conference, 2018, organized by RELO U.S. Embassy, in Islamabad.

4. FLTA Experience and The Cultural Comparison Between USA And Pakistan, presentation at FLTA Conference Washington DC ,2016.

5. Formative And Summative Assessment Techniques, research paper presentation at International English Language Conference Nepal Kathmandu, 2016.

6. Rebutting of the other in Foe, research paper presentation at International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities NUML Islamabad, 2015.

7. Subaltern studies and the idea of The other, research paper, International Literary Conference by Gurmani Centre, LUMS, 2014.




    • SS2007 Technical and Business Writing
    • SS150 English Composition and Comprehension
    • SS223 Business Communication I
    • SS3001 Business Communication II
    • SS123 Communication Skills
    • SS101 English Language
    • Technical Report Writing
    • English I
    • English II

Collaborations at National and International Level

Detail of Funded Projects