By : Mughees November 22, 2019 Comments off
FCAP is excited to present 7th Programmers’ Battle 1O1, maintaining its utmost renowned ritual. This has been one of the most mind-boggling intra-FAST technical events in this campus’ history, where the freshmen are made to feel the true heat of what they’ll be experiencing in their upcoming semesters. It’s a battle of everyone against everyone. All you have to do is to compete, win, and reach to the top of the table. Teamwork, leadership, skills, and confidence, that’s all what is required. It’s a “one in a lifetime” opportunity. Once you grab it, don’t let it go out of your hands. Because next time, there won’t be any “next time” for this. Note: Maximum 3 members are allowed per team. Event date: Tuesday 26th November, 2019 Register here: Registration fee: Rs. 150 per team So gear up your minds, get ready, get set and code! Because that’s not the main, but the only way to get through! For any queries contact: FCAP – FAST Club of App Development and Programming ( About FAST Club of App. Development & Programming (FCAP): Driven by passion, bounded by hope. FAST Club of App. Development and Programming (FCAP) holds the liability of major technical, and skill-bound activities within the campus. The objective of this society is to drive the campus in the field of all co-curricular activities, and act as a catalyst to enhance the academic and technical skills of the students. The society is there to provide an atmosphere to the students, where they can work under a professional environment, discuss ideas, and improve their skills in various domains. So far, the society has been really successful in fulfilling its core objective.